Membership Requirements
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Although Abundant Hope Ministries' Church on the Web is open to everyone, we want to make sure that we remain a harmonious "body of believers," where each member contributes to the whole. (See Romans 12:4-5) For this reason, we ask that you enter into a covenant with Abundant Hope Ministries' Church on the Web.

Upon becoming a member of Abundant Hope Ministries' Church on the Web, you promise that:

  • You have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior.
  • That you have been baptized my immersion. (We can help with this.)
  • That you will love and worship God, to the best of your ability.
  • That you will love your neighbor as yourself, and treat all people with warmth. love, and compassion, forgiving one another, when appropriate.
  • That you will pray for your family, church, friends, aquaintances, and enemies.
  • That you will protect the unity of the church, loving and edifying other believers.
  • That you are willing to read the Bible and pray, on a daily basis.
  • That you will adhere to our "Articles of Faith."
  • That you will adhere to church discipline as outlined in the Bible and the church's constitution and by-laws.
  • That you will live a godly, biblically-sound and Christlike life as much as is humanly possible.
  • That you obey the reasonable and biblical requestes of those placed in authority over the church.
  • That you will reach out and evangelize those who do not know Christ, and invite others to join in worship with us.
  • That you will follow the church's educational plan for helping you grow into spiritual maturity.
  • That you will become an active, ongoing participant in the ministries and missions of the church.
  • That you will return to the Lord a portion (in tithies and offerings) of what He has given us, so that others might be saved and cared for.

Abundant Hope Ministries' Church on the Web promises to:

Provide an environment in which you can grow spiritually, through the teaching of God's Word, and having fellowship with other believers.