Abundant Hope Ministries' Church on the Web's Articles of Faith
- We believe in one true God, made manifest in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
- We believe that the Bible is God's Word, written through divine inspiration, and that it is, therefore, irrefutably infallible.
- We believe that we have been created in God's image.
- We believe that because of Adam and Eve's disobedience, sin entered the world.
- We believe that all of us have sinned, and that left to ourselves, we are incapable of being righteous.
- We believe that although God's justice demands that we pay for our sins, God's mercy, made manifest by the death of His Son, Jesus Christ, has given us a way to escape the eternal damnation that our sins demand.
- We believe that there is nothing we can do to earn our salvation. The good works that we do after accepting Christ as our Savior, are done out of graditute for the free gift that we have been given.
- We believe that salvation is the result of a conscious decision, involving our recognition of our need for a Savior, and our requesting Jesus to come into our heart, and create in us a new nature that hungers and thirsts after righteousness.
- We believe that repentance is an important part of the salvation process. Furthermore, we believe that true repentance is accompained by a conscious effort to change direction, by forsaking our sins and embracing righteousness.
- We believe in water baptism, by immersion, as a sign of obedience and a willingness to die to our old life, and to begin a new life of submission to God and His commandments.
- We believe that prior to our accepting Christ as our Savior, the Holy Spirit's role was to confict us of sin, and our need for a Savior.
- We believe that the Holy Spirit continues to call us to repentence, throughout our lives as Christians.
- We believe that every Christian can be "baptized in the Holy Spirit."
- We believe in the principle of tithing.
- We believe in the power of prayer, as expressed in intersession and thanksgiving.
- We believe that in order to be sucessful inour walk with Christ, we need to become an active member of a church where we can be spiritually fed and have fellowship with other Christians.
- We believe that we have been commanded to "love or neighbor as ourselves." We believe that this love should result in our giving service to those in physical and spiritual need.
- We believe that every Christian should be actively involved in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- We believe in the sancitity of life and marriage. We do not condone the use of violence against those who do not agree with us.
- We beleive in honoring the laws of the land in which we live.
- We believe that it is our duty, as Christians, to become active advocates for righteousness in government, by working within the confines set forth in the US Constitution, to champion righteous solutions to the socila problems that we face.